Thursday, November 4, 2021

Welcome to the AAC party Tamira!!

 Hey Tek-ninjas! If you recall, back in March I wrote about Acapela's efforts to produce the first African American voices. On November 4th, Tamira, the first African American adult female voice will be available in TD Snap. Just run your updates and the voice will automatically appear in the voice selection section. 

Here's a sample of the Tamira voice:

If you are on Tobii Dynavox's email list, you should receive an email some time today informing you about the offering. The email will include a link to a Knowledge Base article giving you a little background information on the voice and where to find it in TD Snap. If you aren't on the mailing list, you can get on it by making a free account at Additionally, there should be social media posts with the link to the Knowledge Base. 

Finally, as noted before, if you are looking for Continuing Education, click here, or your local Tobii Dynavox sales rep, click here

Happy therapy!

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