Monday, March 2, 2020

Bragging rights...

Hey Tek-ninjas!

So, last Thursday I hosted a Tobii Dynavox Core Tour event in my home town, Chapel Hill. I have to say, it exceeded my expectations. And I know... I'm a Tobii Dynavox "fan-boy", but the feed back on-site was wonderful, and then, several clinicians emailed me the following day to say the following...

"I am an SLP who attended the seminar in Chapel Hill yesterday. I learned so much - thank you!"

"Thank you for bringing the Core Tour to Chapel Hill. The course was very helpful and I’m excited about “playing” with the system and the app to become more familiar with it."

"I learned so much and thoroughly enjoyed the experience... and really appreciate the opportunity yesterday."

"I loved the workshop!"

I'm sharing this, well, partly to say, we rock... but also to suggest that you to find a Core Tour or an Implementation Workshop in your neighborhood. If it's a few hours away, get some colleagues you like and drive there.

Follow this link for a listing of current on location training sites all over the world.

If you still can't find a seminar, reach out to your Solution Consultant and ask them to help. Chances are, they have one in the works!

You will not regret it. 

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