Hey Tek-Ninjas, today's article is a distilled version of a really fantastic flyer put together by our very own North Carolina Augmentative Communication Association (NCACA) to generate greater awareness of October being Communication Awareness Month here in NC. What a wealth of information they have culled together for us.
If your a NC resident and you work with children or adults with communication issues, you need to become a member. NCACA is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing information and support to nonspeaking individuals, their families, and the professionals that serve them. An annual membership is only $25! You will be hard pressed to find a better deal anywhere!
Check out these AAC professional development opportunities during this month of October to learn something new, to brush up on your skills, or just increase your awareness of AAC. Follow this link for 50 PrAACtical things to do in celebration of AAC Awareness Month.


NCACA does not endorse any particular vendor, and these are only samples of trainings available online.
Developed by the North Carolina Augmentative Communication Association Education Committee - http://www.ncaca.info. October 2013
Happy therapy!
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