Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Resources for Ukraine refugees

Hey Tek-ninjas! In the face of horrific news, and for me at least, a feeling of being able to offer no support, here is a potentially useful link from Tobii Dynavox. They are offering free, multi-lingual communication resources to help Ukrainian refugees express their basic needs in a fast, simple way. 

There are a handful of resources offered, but two highlights include a "communication board designed for use in settings such as country borders and refugee asylums to support those struggling to communicate in a different language, or for those with communication disabilities". Languages include Ukrainian to Czech, English, German, Hungarian, Moldovian, Polish, Romainian, Slovak, and Swedish. The second is a communication board for medical or hospital settings to support those struggling to communicate in a different language, or for those with communication disabilities. 

Please help share this message widely with people you know working for aid organizations at country borders, refugee asylums and medical/hospital settings.

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