Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Two Great Ideas: Core Words & iBooks

Hey Tek-ninjas! I'm excited to share a free resource with you. This is specifically useful if you are teaching Core Words, and/or reading skills to your people. I did touch on these books in a blog awhile back, but I'm really excited about using iBooks with them.

Tobii-Dynavox offers a selection of books that can be viewed on pretty much any computer. If you make a free account at mytobiidynavox, you can download these books, and lesson plans that come with them.

Like I noted, you can view these books on any computer. Or you could print and bind them. Or... and this is the solution that I really like... if you have an iPad, you can save the books in iBooks, and access them anywhere, even without wifi.

Take a look at the video to see the process.

Incidentally, if you really like these books, and prefer old-fashioned paper-back, you can purchase 36  of the books here, for $169.50.

ADDENDUM: Hey Tek-ninjas, I’ve had a professional license with Tobii-Dynavox for so long that I forgot that if you don’t have a professional license your myTobiiDynavox webpage looks different. Some of you may not have set up a professional license yet and so you’re not able to find these great resources. Take a look at this quick video as it will show you how to set up that professional license. Again, this remains free. Incidentally, the Professional account also affords you a free copy of Snap + Core First.

Happy therapy!!

1 comment:

  1. Here's an addendum... if you are looking to save these books as pdf's on your computer so you 1. don't have to log in anytime you want them, and 2. to easily project on a Smartboard follow this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxJPXmDz-24&feature=youtu.be
