Tobii-Dynavox offers a selection of books that can be viewed on pretty much any computer. If you make a free account at mytobiidynavox, you can download these books, and lesson plans that come with them.
Like I noted, you can view these books on any computer. Or you could print and bind them. Or... and this is the solution that I really like... if you have an iPad, you can save the books in iBooks, and access them anywhere, even without wifi.
Take a look at the video to see the process.
Incidentally, if you really like these books, and prefer old-fashioned paper-back, you can purchase 36 of the books here, for $169.50.
ADDENDUM: Hey Tek-ninjas, I’ve had a professional license with Tobii-Dynavox for so long that I forgot that if you don’t have a professional license your myTobiiDynavox webpage looks different. Some of you may not have set up a professional license yet and so you’re not able to find these great resources. Take a look at this quick video as it will show you how to set up that professional license. Again, this remains free. Incidentally, the Professional account also affords you a free copy of Snap + Core First.
Happy therapy!!
Here's an addendum... if you are looking to save these books as pdf's on your computer so you 1. don't have to log in anytime you want them, and 2. to easily project on a Smartboard follow this video: