Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Hold the Date! 30th Annual NCACA Conference!

NCACA Conference

Alright North Carolinians! February 21-22 brings us the 30th Annual Augumentative Communication conference. And for those of us in the Piedmont, it's in Durham again!

Linda Burkart
The title for this year's conference is "We've Come A Long Way: 30 Years of AAC in NC".  And this year we have the pleasure of hearing Linda Burkhart  presenting on "Communication Strategies for Children Who Face Severe Physical and Miltiple Challenges".  Ms. Burkart is an internationally known pioneer of simplified technology for children with severe challenges.

This conference is designed for SLP's, OT's, PT's, Psychologists, Educators, Para-professionals, Families, and Consumers interested in increasing their knowledge of AAC and AT.

Every year I've attended this conference I have left with new knowledge, and fired up to try new tactics.  Don't miss it! You can find out more details here.

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