Monday, November 26, 2012

Pwning Assistive Technology in School! NCDPI EC OT Institute

On November 14th, I had the pleasure of presenting to the Occupational Therapy Institute, a day long, annual event which is part of the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Exceptional Children's Conference. My topic was how Occupational Therapists deliver Assisitve Technology in a school environment. I had a terrific time, and think the presentation was successful.

Here is the link to my Prezi presentation. Enjoy, and feel free to comment or ask questions!

Happy Therapy!


  1. i thought your presentation was awesome. Do you have other conferences scheduled, b/c i would try to put it on my calendar.

    1. Thank you so much Emmy! I really appreciate your kind words. I am not scheduled yet, but I am looking for possible conferences. I will post on my blog, and try to let you know when I get something setup.
