Friday, January 24, 2020

Aphasia, Text-literate, and Word List Updates!

Hey Tek-ninjas! Yesterday Tobii Dynavox rolled out a new update.

If you have Snap Core First, which incidentally retails for only $49.99 (significantly less than the competition) these updates come for free.

According to Tobii Dynavox, the Snap Core First 1.10 includes updated word lists that are more efficient to navigate. An overview of the Snap Core First word list updates, responses to key questions, instructions on how to combine existing word lists with the new words lists, and instructions on how to customize the new word lists are illustrated in these videos.

There are some considerations...

These are some pretty cool updates. If you are a current user, or supporting a current user, and you want to take advantage of these new words lists, there are some considerations:

  • What if you have not done many edits
  • What if you have done less than 75 edits to the word lists, or your edits are mainly in the Topics and QuickFires
  • What if you have done more than 75 edits to your word list vocabulary...

To find out how to address these considerations, follow this link.

But, that's not all. Tobii Dynavox rolled out a new Aphasia Pageset as well as Text-Literate Pageset, available for no extra charge. 

This video shows you how to load the different pagesets, and gives a very superficial over view.

Happy Therapy!!

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