Wednesday, October 10, 2012

IEP Detail: Devices OR Services

If you are familiar with IEP's you have no doubt run into the troublesome Yes/No boxes pictured below:
Many of us have wondered how to respond to this question, especially when we are in a "trial" stage with a student. We are not comfortable saying that Johnny needs word prediction software, because we haven't settled on that intervention at the time of writing the IEP.  But, we don't quite feel comfortable saying no either.

Tom Hinton, the Section Chief for all VI, HI, and AT services at NCDPI (North Carolina Department of Public Instruction) reminds us to pay attention to the "or services" which I highlighted in yellow above.

We may be running trials, trying different bits of software and hardware, but what remains consistent is that the student is receiving assistive technology services.  So if that is the case, check "Yes"!

Happy Therapy!


  1. Short & sweet but such a helpful post! Thank you!! Will share with our followers on Facebook. :)

    1. Thanks Carole! I appreciate your kind words. And WOW! What a great website you have! is chock full of great materials!
