Thursday, October 22, 2020

The Fannypack Therapist(s)

Hey Tek-ninjas! Awhile back, I blogged about some of my favorite AAC oriented Instagram accounts. Most of them are still running, and are still really terrific. Today, I have one more I want to share with you, simply because I love how creative, and informative this account is. 

thefannypacktherapist is brought to us by Annabeth & Mara, and they are truly a dynamic duo of an Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy. 

Their bio says that they are "getting back to the basics of AAC and AT, while serving up some 90's and 2000's nostalgia"I'd submit that while they present the information in a way that is easily digestible - almost basic, a lot of the content is not "basic", but really pretty heady stuff that would greatly facilitate efficacy for any clinician or caregiver working with AAC users. There in lies a lot of the appeal: sophisticated clinical ideas presented in an easily digestible style. 

When I worked in the public school environment, one of my favorite aspects of the work, was being allowed to collaborate with other specialists such as Speech Therapists, Physical Therapists, VI Teachers, Special Ed Teachers, and Gen Ed Teachers. I felt like all of our practices were better when we collaborated. Annabeth & Mara definitely showcase this idea!

For the month of October they have been generating remarkable amazing content to raise awareness about AAC, showcasing the ABCs of AAC! 

Each day in October they share a nugget of AAC wisdom in areas of research, best practice, intervention, technology, and interdisciplinary care. They include really great graphics, and solid information. 

Join in their conversation by using #ABCsofAAC !!

Go follow them. You will be glad you did!

If you have a favorite IG account that is relevant to AT and/or AAC, please drop a link in the comment section!

Happy Therapy!

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