Tuesday, July 28, 2020


Hey Tek-ninjas! I've got a quick one for you today. Did you know that Tobii Dynavox offers a FREE trial Snap Core First? If you've read my blog for awhile, you probably do - cause I write about it a lot... But, typically the trial is 30 days, but during the pandemic, the trial duration is extended to 60 days!

If you are struggling to help someone communicate - perhaps they've never had an AAC solution, or
they have other software that folks are just struggling to use/customize which can negatively impact engagement, you've got little to lose in trying Snap Core First. Snap Core First provides solutions for those who would benefit from Symbol-based, Text-literate, or Aphasia-oriented pagesets.

If it proves to be THE solution, the software retails for a mere $49.99 - all the time. Likely, you know that most other AAC solutions are retailing for 5 to 6 times that much.

You can find the free trial for Windows 10 here, or iOS here.

Go deliver a voice, it feels amazing! 

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